Premium Decorative Wallpaper
Swanky Babs is dedicated to importing high-quality wallpaper with distinctive style. All wallpaper is imported from the finest European producers.
One can surround oneself with an idea, with a dream… That is the beauty of wallpaper.
- Babs
A collection of Barbara's favorite patterns, re-imagined as wallpaper

Gloss Wallpaper Sale - 40% OFF!
We have discontinued all of our gloss wallpaper and are moving to a matte finish.
So now is a great time to get a deal on a pattern you've been dreaming about!

Retro Paris travel Wallpaper
When I was little I spent a lot of time at my grandmother’s and grandfather’s house. On rainy days my cousins and I would explore their attic. We would climb the attic stairs, as rain lashed against the windows on the ends. It was filled with so many things! Amongst them were a plethora of steamer trunks.
Before flying by air was common, one went by train or ship. And, one’s items went with one, in a steamer trunk. These went to the original destination, and as one moved from place to place, they were forwarded on, getting a sticker at each destination. At the end of a trip one had a memory of where one had been, just by looking at the outside of the trunk!
Our Marrakesh wallpaper is reminiscent of those times. Done in charcoal with touches of red and blue, it shows posters and postcards from a wide variety of places intermixed with labels and postal marks. For me it highlights the lure of exotic destinations, of a time when travel was very different than today, …and reminds me of those far off attic days.
The Flamingos
Flamingoes are wading birds that inhabit shallow lakes and lagoons in certain temperate regions of the world And, this is what is shown on this wallpaper- flamingoes wading in shallow water.This has the pinks and reds of the birds, with accents of blue and green.
The spacing of the birds, the expanse of white between them, give a sense of space and calm on this paper. With a wall of this, one could imagine the soft splash of the water, the smell of the air, and enjoy the warmth of the day, while watching the birds. Breath it all in, and enjoy.